Judy Perry has been living in and painting the picturesque artist community of Bisbee, Arizona and its environs since her arrival in 1976.

Her unique style makes her one of the most popular artists in the Southwest.


Judy Perry
P.O. Box 1721
Bisbee, AZ 85603


Email: judyperrybisbee@gmail.com

Please call or email Judy to get an appointment and
directions, to see her original art work or discuss a commission.

Judy can paint from photographs supplied by the client,
or she can travel, so the painting can be done on location.

Paintings can be on paper, canvas or board, or your garden walls
to suit individual preferences and budgets. Prices vary
depending on size and complexity.

Judy’s playful and colorful postcards, prints and cards of Bisbee
can be seen and are on sale at “The Singletree”, 18 Main St.
in Bisbee.